I'm taking this class on Contemporary France (alias: the Reason French People Hate Everyone Today 101). And I'm doing pretty well in it - surprise of the century since my professor is pretty much un grand cul (look it up). Every night he makes us send him well thought-out and articulate questions on the readings, and sometimes he'll bring my questions up in class the next day. I'd just like to say that the only motivation I find to succeed in this course is the image of Rick, my mom's boyfriend, enthusiastically vociferating the word vichyssoise at the mention of anything related to FRONSH PEPPLE. (Wouldn't you know - vichyssoise was actually invented in New York.) I know it pretty much sums up his only understanding of French language, history, or culture in general, but I'd just like to say, as a French major, that's all you really need.
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