I know, I know. The Inauguration hype is sort of running out of steam and people are slowly resorting back to realizing how much life sucks. At least it's in a mindset of suffering conditions in the country rather than suffering leaders in the country.
Still, I can't get over Maliah and Sasha! Jeeze. They're just. Too. Precious. There have been a ton of stories about their Jonas Brothers scavenger surprise and the fancy new school they're attending (though aren't all DC private schools...), almost to the point where you'd wonder if they're kinda, you know, brats. To be honest, I'm insanely jealous of them. But I think I can rest assured that these two are not little a-holes because in all their pictures they seem to be innocently, sincerely loving every moment of their pop's limelight. Case A: Huffington Post's "Most Adorable Moments" slideshow, in which we see Maliah documenting these life-changing days on her digital camera (something about that is just so cool and endearing to me) and Sasha looking like she had successfully coerced the White House kitchen to enable her major sugar addiction. Scuse me while I puke rainbows.
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