Thursday, July 31, 2008
Eye candy

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Dance across the Rio Grande
What would life be without prepubescent surveys circulating on Facebook?
A priest.
If you had one thousand dollars, what would you buy?
150 12-packs of either Diet Coke or Bud Light.
What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Rum and diet. Or Christian Bale. I can't remember.
Where were you last night around 9:30?
Your mother's Hyundai Elantra.
How was the last egg you prepared?
Fertilized. ZING. (actually - that's gross)
Last song you listened to?
Are you a forgiving person?
Yes. Provided there's a monetary supplement involved.
Last thing you drank?
The sweet nectar of the fountain of youth.
What is your current mood?
Drunky Malunkies.
What do you hear right now?
"Summer Love" (an ode to the only acquaintance of mine for whom I'd switch teams: AMYTANG)
Are you sarcastic?
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
Hellz yeah. How else would we learn? I mean get laid?
What do you do when you have a bad day?
A case, all by myself.
Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your first name?
Kangaroo bop.
How many states have you lived in?
Two. Unless you count the state of misunderstanding
Have you ever caught anything on fire?
(I think this question means to ask have you ever SET anything else on fire, to which my answer would be "half the panties in Manhattan")
How long is your hair when it's wet?
That's what she said.
How many bathrooms are in your house?
Porto potties all the way, m'friend.
What was the last thing you took a bite of?
How wrong would it be to make two "your mom" jokes in one survey?
Do you drink soda?
Only if it's chased by a hearty glass of Bacardi.
What are you thinking about right now?
Have you ever been on an airplane?
A what?
Marriage in your future?
Who's askin?
Do you like your life?
Considering I was just violently ejected from from Slackoffwhileyourparentspay University. No, not at the moment.
Do you know anyone whose name starts with a Z?
Only this Mayor of Fox City.
Have you kissed in the rain?
Yeah, but I was compensated handsomely for it.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Tons of hot women. And maybe some Text Twist.
When is your birthday?
TODAY. Plz 2 hav caek?
Whats your favorite drink?
I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens.
Do you have a job?
I don't want no scrubs. But seriously, only until I find a nice manz to pay for my addictions.
Do you like to read?
I read women like I read books.
Are you a nerd at heart?
Maybe in bed because I can never seem to stop giggling nervously.
What music do you listen to?
Same shit as the stuff to which I was conceived, I'm sure.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
EI! EI! Oh.
Also she's a smart cookie and has meaningful things to say.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Holy Singing Old Ladies, Batman!

Saturday I had the cosmic luck of catching what seemed to be the only showing left in Manhattan to The Dark Knight. I was so in awe of what Christopher Nolan did to the Batman franchise. I remember when I was in, like, third grade, and my babysitter brought over a VHS of Batman Forever - the one where Val Kilmer was oversexed Batman. It was like, my first "adult" movie and I cannot tell you how differently people approached a superhero flick back then. In 1995 Batman was smothered in color, comedy, and sounds, and no one thought twice about what he really stood for (although there ain't NOTHIN wrong with watching Chris O'Donnell run around in a wife beater... mmm). The Dark Knight was so politically fueled and sociologically charged that it actually incited a conversation about religion between my friends on the N train.
It's such a cartoony question but really - who is Batman? Someone insisted that Batman was Jesus, which I totally disagree with but I can see where she was coming from. Really, why do we need superheros? Is the Christian reverence for Jesus the same admiration we feel for Superman? In this conversation, I mentioned that when comic books became popular (1930s and 40s), DC Comic books in particular, Americans thrived on that morally upright, wholly capitalist, polarized theater of good versus evil. That's the formula for the perfect superhero breeding ground.

Right? Can I get a "hey ya?"
But seriously, Batman ≠ Jesus.
Also, inspired by how hard Heath Ledger rocked our world in that powerhouse of a movie (as Kevin Smith puts it, he "disappeared completely into that role") and rolling along the same history-of-comics train, here's a time line that the LA Times put together documenting the evolution of the Joker - a character that Ledger proved is much more complex than what we've come to envision.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Austin Scarlett is in the mothereffin house, bitches.
Although watching these designs unfold, and seeing people in really challenging situations that force them to be innovative is always fun, the cast of this season is just so blaaaaaaaaa. They are either COMPLETELY vanilla (or "silent fashion assassins," as one boring ass Pollyanna defined herself) or totally cliché. Wow, you're a twinky gay guy with crazy hair and a cutesy lexicon? I don't know if you'll stand out next to that girl who ironically dresses up like a 40's pinup and wears red lipstick everywhere. Just to prove that they weren't above keeping contestants around for the pure sake of color and conflict, the folks of PR decided to keep Stella (a 40-something woman who dresses like a hell's angel and seems to have missed the fact that 1988 has come and gone - she was wearing wool long johns with a leather bikini bottom on top), even though she sent something that wasn't even a definable outfit down the runway:

Thank god this adorable number took the cake.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Toast(ed) of New York
Yet it all rings true... the article notes how, in the summer, NYC heavily resembles a carefree college campus: girls walk around without bras, casual flings seem to be so in vogue, there is never an inch of available grass on which to sit or play in the parks, weekends are typically three days long, and the alcohol flows in bachae-ic abundance. BYOB events are EVERYWHERE, particularly (and funnily enough) in open, public spaces where liquor isn't really allowed. When I think about my own alcoholic track record for this past season, I consider the fact that each week I have been drunk about three nights out of the seven, and have imbibed at least some sort of alcoholic unit on SIX of those nights. Isn't that, like, excessive? Shouldn't my liver be turning in a resignation notice? I just recently "won" my first open bar party of the season (thank you Porky's for adopting Snitch's tired but gracious old tradition), which I'm having serious misgivings about. Mainly because these past few weeks I have also been spending a collective 3 days a week in my own apartment. By that I mean spending 4 nights a week OUTSIDE of it. Seriously kids, I have a duffel bag in my office. This past Monday I went to see the Philharmonic and fireworks in Central Park, and after I polished off (more than) a whole bottle of wine, I actually let my friend drunk dial my parents. I've never had so many hangovers in one month.
.... and now this post is no longer about New Yorkers' seasonal alcohol consumption and more about my growing addiction. Aces, Katelyn, you keep livin the dream.
PS: Regardless of my shameless indulgence, I will never be as big of a tool as this douche who monopolizes the middle of the lawn and runs a friggin daquiri stand for his friends at the Bryant Park film festival:
Arthur Golden served up his signature frozen strawberry daiquiris in the center of the lawn, where 20-odd blankets were spread out for his friends.
“I always bring 12 bags of frozen mix, because that’s the capacity of my freezer,” said Mr. Golden, who is 41 and works in real estate development.
There was an array of rums to choose from, too: light, dark and coconut. Mr. Golden mixed the daiquiris using a potato masher, churning the strawberry slush with rum in a plastic container, and offered the end product to all takers.
Mr. Golden and his friends have been going to movie nights in Bryant Park since he was in his late 20s and have the sequencing of the night’s cocktails down to a science.
“Elisha brings sangria, Ian brings margaritas and David brings prosecco,” he said.
...? Whatever dude. Just get hammered on your fruity drinks and watch another episode of Frasier.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Finally this blog has some effin relevance in the world.
My favorite VH1 commentator - or maybe the best talking head in the history of anything in the universe - Michael Ian Black, has challenged Tucker Max to a deathmatch. And in true (drunken) alpha male form, Tucker has heartily risen to the bait. Hurrah. My money's on Tucker, because he is like five times the size of Black with ten times the wired adrenaline, but Michael Ian Black does have that advantage of, you know, fully functional nerve endings and is like, a whole immune system ahead.
Michael Ian Black, by the by, is some hot ass shit right now. Not only because he's the only one worth watching on VH1's new nostalgia fest I Love the New Millennium, but also because he's June's Hot Slut of the Month on Dlisted. I'd post a video of him being filarious on VH1, but that's tired. Here he is in the greatest cinematic tour de force that God ever had the mercy to bestow upon mankind, Wet Hot American Summer:
UPDATE: Michael Ian Black roars with excitement! Tucker responds, "I assume that he is kidding about this. I am not at all. Once he realizes I am completely serious and that this means he is going to get punched in the face, I doubt he'll be as eager as he is now."
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
New Favorites! Or, longest post ever.

3. Going home. I used to come down on myself for being too much of a baby to not stay in the city for more than a month or two at a time, but fuck that. My family rocks hardcore, my mom's a hot ass bitch, and we threw a fucking kick-ass party at our joint this weekend. I come from one hot brood, yall.
4. Being employed. Duh.
6. My neighborhood. For the longest time I thought that I had rushed into settling into anapartment in which I'd never be fully content, mainly because it was like eons from the L (or the G) train and way too close to the BQE. I thought the only thing that surrounded me was a Staples, a McDonalds, and really really shitty fall-out shelter type delis that were only good for selling candy bars and mediocre Boar's Head. But tis not so. Recent excursions have brought me around greater Greenpoint (which really is only in the opposite direction of the L - shame on my nonadventurous self!), and I've discovered it's actually SO lovely. And I actually CAN access a grocery store and laundry place. I've been running (yeah you heard me!) around McGolrick Park, which is flanked by two very pretty churches, a 19th-century public school, and tons of trees. Inside the park are really gorgeous paths littered with benches, some gorgeous statues, a

7. Speaking of - Lost City! Loves how this guy unearths the past of some facades of what we'd typically refer to as tack city - or look past all together. I'm puttin this bitch in Babylinks.
8. Boys you can find state side. Take it from Estelle, Kanye, and my new favorite jam: