Over the summer I picked up a few new "things" that I totally love, and they're totally things that I need to take advantage of before I turn 30. Because I don't think anyone at a private school is going to take an application seriously when the kid's mother wears tube socks, Marlene Dietrich red lipstick, hoop earrings, and skirt-turned-sundresses to the interview. One of my favorite new things is highlighter-themed finger nails, and I am positively infatuated with manicuring myself in shades that are ready to make love to a black light. Along with the go-to staples of black, white, and red, here are my recommendations for turning people's eyes to your mitts before your mug:
I feel as if people can go many ways with green - my preferred general color, if t

Pink is a default color for nails. It's safe and easy and pretty


Red, when faced with the question of getting neon, essentially ends up being orange. I