Thanks to Dlisted, I can access the baser forum of current events without shame - you know, without feeling guilty for not reading the feminist-inspired Jezebel, keeping tabs in the New Yorker, or starting my day with a financially jargoned episode of "Squawk Box." (A happy medium = just going to Whole Foods or the nearest news kiosk and getting a TONY - fawesome!)
Anyway. I was relaxing my eyes this afternoon from the harsh love of Microsoft Excel when I happened upon this travesty posted by favorite Perez Hilton wannabe sight.
I whole heartedly support New York and all - in ALL her nationally televised faux romantic/ authentic promiscuous endeavors, but homegirl (read: Vh1) needs to realize when enough is S.R.S.L.Y. ee-nuff. We don't need a third I Love New York, nor do we need a shittier version of Lohan's shitty Monroe photographic "tribute." This is downright lazy and overconfident. Vh1 has mastered the celebrity-for-the-sake-of-celebrity genre, and the understanding that their audience is similar to that of a blog: urban, (completely) self-centered, thriving purely on its circumspection of every other social class via the interwebz, and ironically "normal," for which I applaud them. But honestly, is THIS what it has come to?
P.S.: Loves how the good stoner lackies over at my favorite network DON'T EVEN BOTHER to AIRBRUSH those pics. Aces!
Since I'm pretty sure my readership for this blog counts to about three, I'm going to go ahead and post this in the good faith that random creepers aint gunna show up at my house. On the weekend of July 4th, if you have one point or another in my life or yours called me "friend," you are cordially invited to the Lahr/Reilly/Whiteside/Zaret graduation party at my parent's non-burnt-down house in Potomac, Maryland. Party is on July 5th, pre-gaming starts on the Fourth. What's in it for you? Free food, margarita machines, rad jams, and watching me + every other female in my family embarrass herself via alcohol. Call me for details, because this party is going to be off the hizzy, and you are going to look this happy at the end of the night:
So. I'm writing two posts in one night. On a Friday night, no less, on a blog I hardly ever touch. Get over it, sucka. Sometimes a girl just needs some time with her shitty Little Warsaw A.P.T. Uhkay?
Anyway, I really can't hold my affection for this little trollop in any longer. About a year ago, I went on (I guess what you call) an accidental date with this dude who brought me to some hole-in-the-wall music joint in the LES. It was on Orchard or Ludlow Street... or some other one of those ambiguous little graffiti meccas, home to hipsters and a new Whole Foods. The venue was what I like(d) to call a total L Party*, where not more than 20 or so (and that's being generous) came to watch this little chick, probably only a few months older than I, named Lady GaGa, perform. For the record, I tried to remembs the name of the place but I couldn't, and even CitySearch couldn't throw me a bone! But there were peeps (include fathers with toddlers on their shoulders) watching her flashy bikini-clad self from the STREET PEERING THROUGH THE WINDOW that night. She was only accompanied with background music, a disco ball, and her friend - aptly named Lady Starlight - but shit, did she rock my world somethin FIERCE.
At the time she was fresh off signing with Interscope Records (I think), and now I am thrilled to say that she is on the brink of releasing her freshman album, "The Fame." Not only do I want to embody her physical petite cuteness, but something about her "retrosexual" sensuality is contagious and just makes me want to consume sequins, lightening bolts, and shoulder pads. I highly recommend that yall watch her new video for "Just Dance," on which she has collaborated with Colby O'Donis (who fortunately is tight with Akon and thereby ensures a quick rise to mass hysteria for GaGa) - but yall can find that ANYWHERE (yeah srsly YouTube). Since I saw her in person she has exchanged her dark brunette locks for a more marketable platinum coif, I guess since it's less New-Yorky and more translatable to the masses, but she has still retained the same bubble pop energy with that fresh, young independent edginess she exuded. Unfortunately I can't find my favorite song of hers ("Boys Boys Boys") anywhere, so hopefully it's on her album, which HOPEFULLY is comin out soon! Anyway, I'd post the norm (her video for "Just Dance") but I thought instead I'd post a video I found of her that instead expresses her candid fun-ness. Here she is in the stude with Noize, bein cute and dancing to what I guess is called "Retrophysical." Isn't she delish?
*L Party: A function in which American-Apparel-donning Christian Siriano lookalikes come to revel and drink PBR and rock out to a band that's only cool if you've never heard of them. Popular at venues such as the Knitting Factory and Arlene's Basement, these twenty-first century neo avant garde folk are most habitually comfortable nesting themselves in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. Once mocked by one Katelyn Reilly Lahr, they are named for their primary mode of communication into the conventional world of Manhattan: NYC MTA's L train. They have forthwith been pardoned from their intolerable douchey-ness as Katelyn herself has signed a lease in Greenpoint and currently rides the L train to access the life she once loved.
I've been a fan of the simple posts lately - whatevs! Here for your cuteness daily intake (and then some) is a baby polar bear. I was inspired to YouTube some more of them after Jezebel's ridiculously fadorable post on the talking polar bear cub today.
The vid's naturally precious, but what's really the draw of the piece is the AWESOME German diddy that accompanies it. I swear to have it memorized in two days. SWEAR.